APX Service Group 21286
TRADE NAME (DBA) REGISTRATION OFFICE OF JASON E. BRAGG CLERK SUPERIOR COURT EFFINGHAM COUNTY, GEORGIA PERSONALLY APPEARED THE UNDERSIGNED WHO ON OATH DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: Russell C Free (Name of Proprietor or corporate name if corporation) 1222 Patriot Drive Rincon, GA 31326 (Address of proprietor or parent corporate name, if any) IS/ARE DOING BUSINESS IN EFFINGHAM COUNTY, GEORGIA UNDER THE NAME OF: TRADE NAME: APX Service Group ADDRESS: 1222 Patriot Drive Rincon, GA 31326 (Trade Name Address in Effingham County) AND THAT THE NATURE OF THE BUSINESS TO BE CARRIED ON IS: HVAC/Construction SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 13 DAY OF DECEMBER, 2024 Brooke Rigiland Notary Public - State of Georgia Russell C Free Signature of person making declaration 21286 12/25/24 RL